The Montreal Aviation Museum is proud to present

Godfrey Stewart Pasmore and Erika-May Poulin-Pasmore
Inspired by the examination of an old family photograph album, Godfrey Pasmore, the CAHC Founder and President Emeritus, began commissioning well known Canadian artists in the mid 80’s to depict the beginnings of our aviation heritage through a series of original paintings and model dioramas. Fifteen years later the collection would be complete and as Godfrey put it himself back in 1999 during the inaugural vernissage at the National Aviation Museum in Ottawa:
”This collection highlight a part of Canada’s early flying heritage and honors a number of persons who contributed to our past aviation mosaic during the years 1914-1948. Research behind this project exposes the vast number of individuals who participated through the period in various ways. My father, Hubert Martyn Pasmore, career’s serves a catalyst for this particular time span.”
As described by the Canadian Aviation Artists Association (CAAA) back in 1999: “The display is strikingly organized in a coherent format, on original commissioned paintings, photographs and descriptive texts. In addition, there are small scale modeled dioramas of vintage aircraft. The total result is a text book example of how to design and mount a show with maximum aesthetic and educational appeal.”
The Godfrey Pasmore Art Collection consists of 26 original paintings, 1 reproduced print, 17 text panels, and 7 model dioramas. The artists involved are Geoff Bennett, Tom Bjarnason, Jim Bruce, Ross Buckland, Don Connolly, Kathryn Plante and John Rutherford. The dioramas were scratch built by Jim Pearmain.

The art gallery officially opened to the public on November 19, 2011